
Friday, September 4, 2009

snap out of ur "sorry" state...

VOICE OUT:A friend success makes u feel bad about urself... ur friend shares her good news-a new job.a new man-and while u're happy for her , u can't help but feel like a failure at work/love. You say,"i'm so pleased for you" but u think,"why haven't i got that?"

"This reflex is about envy," says Errey. "u see what other people have, perceive it to be superior and then want it for urself." But envy can quickly turn into negativity, making u feel u're not good enough. "Look at the facts-has nothing nice ever happened to u? We all have things we like and dislike in our lives, so don't cast someone else as 'having it all' while u cast urself as'having nothing.'
It simply isn't true."


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